Case Studies & White Papers

Recent White Papers

OCPP and OpenADR - Implementing OCCP controlled chargers with OpenADR

EEBUS and OpenADR - Using EEBUS as a control system using OpenADR signals

Case Studies

Below you can find a number of OpenADR implementation reviews. If you have a case study to add, please contact us at

Ford Smart Charging with OVGIP & OpenADR

New Hampshire Electric Coop / Bellawatt - Transactive Energy

DER SunPower Virtual Power Plant

Consolidated Edison Case Study - Storage Case study

Detroit Case Study - EV Charging Case Study

Swell Case Study - Hawaiian Electric

National Grid, Pearlstone Energy – Demand Response Aggregator Case Study

Stromnetz-Hamburg, Vattenfall, ChargePoint – Demand Response Electric Vehicle Case Study

E.ON, Intertrust -  Load Balancing with Electric Vehicles Case Study

Older long-term implementations

SCE Railex

SCE Nordstrom


