Vendor information: Create a certified product

Manufacturers that would like to implement an OpenADR 2.0 interface in their systems can use the following information to start the planning process.

Shortcuts:   General Requirements         Resources and Cost        Outside Resources/Open Source        Developer Resources

General Requirements:

-         Manufacturers must at least be a Contributor member of the OpenADR Alliance. Membership must be maintained to keep the certification current instead of continuing compliance verification. Issued certificates do not expire if membership lapses. However, the web listing will be amended to say "Certification no longer maintained". Join here

-         Final testing has to be conducted at an OpenADR Alliance test lab

-         (Free) OpenADR 2.0 test security certificates must be used for testing (

-         Passing test report and documents will be made publicly available. Only products listed on the OpenADR Alliance website are deemed certified

-         The OpenADR Alliance strongly recommends that DR deployments use specific OpenADR security certificates. However, beyond the product testing and certification, we cannot mandate what utilities, aggregators, or other DR program operators implement

Resources & Cost:

Manufacturers will need to decide between the OpenADR 2.0a Profile (for simpler programs and systems – only simple levels of DR Event service) and OpenADR 2.0b (full specification). Note that all recent VENs use 2.0b. We only suggest to use 2.0a if you target a specific DR program that only requires 2.0a. VTNs must support both profiles, transport mechanisms and security certificate types. VENs can pick and choose profile, transport, and certificate type.

-         Download the specification here - (OK for non-members, free)

-         Minimum Contributor Membership - (Cost $1,500 - $7,500)

-         Download the test plan, sample payloads and certification documents from the members area (members only)

-         Optionally, manufacturers can purchase the Alliance’ official test tool. The tool is identical to the one used by the test houses for the final certification tests and can be used for pre-testing and development. Note that the non-member price is different from the member price - (Cost for members - $6,500 (optional purchase))

-         Once ready for final testing, contact your closest test facility. Please see for locations and additional information. Testing typically has a 1-2 week lead time. To receive a quotation from the test house, manufacturers need to submit a filled in PICS document (part of the certification documents for members). (Cost ranges from $4,500 (simple VEN) to $10,000 (full VTN) depending on the supported features)

-         Submit certification documents to (preferred and faster) or email to [email protected]. Turnaround time for certification and web listing is typically 2-3 business days if the documentation is complete. No cost.

-        OpenADR 2.0 uses client security certificates to comply with accepted cyber security requirements. Eventually manufacturers need to implement security certificates. The type of certificates depend on the deployment requirement. However OpenADR also provides specific certificates that several deployments require -

-        A note about testing: The OpenADR certification only tests the protocol exchange. Functionality beyond the OpenADR endpoints are the responsibility of the vendor. For example, we need to see that the VEN starts an event as requested, however, we will not check if a thermostat actually turns an HVAC unit on or off. This mechanism is outside the scope of the OpenADR protocol.

Outside resources:

LF Energy - Linux Foundation organized Open Source project for OpenADR

EPRI Open Source project (may be outdated)

The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) has created an open source implementation of an OpenADR 2.0b VTN and VEN. The software can be found here –

OpenADR 2.0b Open Source Virtual Top Node - VTN: 

OpenADR 2.0 Open Source Virtual End Node - VEN:

Note: The software packages might not be the final one. Check back for updates.

Developer Resources

There are several consultants that are very familiar with OpenADR. Check them out. - Implementations, development, training - Integrator of a pre-certified OpenADR stack - Testing and general implementation consulting - Software integration services