July 2014


Table of Contents

  1. OpenADR News 
  2. Members in Action
  3. Technical Update
  4. Upcoming Events

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OpenADR News Alerts

Be sure to read Barry Haaser's latest article in FireceSmartGrid: OpenADR Not Just A "California Technology"


The European Special Interest Group is off the ground and running. The OpenADR standard is poised to expand with direction from this burgeoning working group and those who continue to fill its leadership roles. We are proud to announce the Co-Chair positions of this group have been filled by Abhishek Bahl from AutoGrid and Bernd Kosh from FujitsuAbhishek and Bernd are looking forward to working with the OpenADR Membership in Europe and elsewhere. Please give them a warm welcome in their new roles.    


For those of you who missed our recent Spring OpenADR Alliance Member Meeting, please feel free to review and share the slide deck presentations: http://bit.ly/June_2014_OpenADRMtg


Our speakers shared rich content and the audience asked poignant questions. It was wonderful seeing faces and hearing voices firsthand, a welcomed change from our remote exchanges. Please check out some pictures and, again, we extend gratitude to our networking reception sponsors, AutoGrid and Universal Devices: http://bit.ly/2014JuneOpenADRMtgPhotosSnapped good photos? Video? We are eager to populate our social medial with content from the field and all-membership engagements. 


Great article featured in the energy collective Demand Response Will Double By 2020: Here's Why 


OpenADR Alliance Membership in Action


Overwhelmingly, existing OpenADR Alliance membership and those interested in OpenADR crave to learn about pending, existing, and ongoing OpenADR projects throughout the globe. To best capture and study big data in automated demand response, we need your project details. Thank you to those who are sharing your data. We aim to populate the OpenADR project map steadily and interactively. Here is a document with empty fields waiting to be filled out and expanded by you. For any member related matters please connect with [email protected].


QualityLogic has come out with a new workshop to “help inform utility DR program managers, designers, and implementers about how to best use OpenADR-based systems for automating DR.”


A video to note: PG&E not only educates about demand response, but also paints a picture of life without demand response.



We are revamping the OpenADR website to focus on educating key audiences and propelling the OpenADR standard toward widespread adoption.  This revamp will even include a searchable certified products database. We would appreciate your ongoing feedback throughout this process. To be included, please email: [email protected]


Whether you caught it or missed it, this Navigant webinar is a must share: Automated Demand Response: Technology Trends and Global Growth Drivers, http://bit.ly/AutoDRwNavigant   


Technical Update

Security certificates: Easier access to digital certificates for small scale trial and demo deployments


The OpenADR Alliance’ mission is to foster the adoption of OpenADR in the market. The Alliance spent significant time and effort creating the most secure and standards compliant approach to cyber security that is possible and reasonable. It is very well understood that vendors are facing a variety of challenges when bringing their OpenADR products to market. Therefore, as a service to OpenADR Alliance member companies, the Alliance has created a program to lower the entry barrier for small scale trial, demo, or short-term deployments using the OpenADR 2.0 technology.


Companies will be able to obtain blocks of 100 OpenADR Security Certificates (up to a total of 300 certificates) outside the standard tier pricing models.


For additional information please visit http://www.openadr.org/cyber-security or email [email protected].


This month four new products were certified by the following companies: REGEN Energy Inc., Wireless Glue Networks and two products from Siemens Retail & Commercial Systems


Upcoming Events 

Cyber Security Workshop, Aug. 7-9 in New Delhi, India

Home Energy Management Systems Conference, Aug. 6-8 in Sacramento, CA
OpenADR 2.0 Developer's Workshop, Sept. 16-17 in Simi Valley, CA

DistribuTECH 2015 Feb. 3-5 in San Diego, CA

The Alliance’s 20x20 member booth will provide a great opportunity for you to showcase your products or services at a reduced rate. 

*Member kiosk
*Theater presentation
*Online Media Kit

Please contact Shannon Mayette at [email protected]


To view more OpenADR related events please visit: http://www.openadr.org/industry-events


OpenADR Mission Statement

The mission of the OpenADR Alliance is to foster global development, adoption, and compliance of Open Automated Demand Response (OpenADR) standards through collaboration, education, testing, and certification.